Since waking up this morning I've actually been calm. I keep wondering how God is going to use us and trying to figure out the details, as I do with everything else. The devil is in the details, all I need to do is be willing. Not by might, nor by strength, but by your Spirit Lord will I be moved.
This is such a surreal experience for me, first international flight and my 25th birthday is around the corner. I'm excited for what's in store and expectation of several powerful moves of God.
In this very moment at 12:48pm flying over some foreign land I'm am so thankful and grateful to be here. In this moment nothing else matters. In these clouds above houses, cars, buildings etc Holy Spirit has been helping me out a lot of things into perspective. None of it matters, it's what you do for God that will last!
Wow!! Today was tiring but amazing. "The Line Men of Indiana" experience in the airport was just the beginning of a wonderful day. Praying for somebody else is very fulfilling but when they turn around and pray for you, makes it even better.
The weather here is wonderful. I would definitely live here permanently if the opportunity arises. The air is so refreshing and the people are so welcoming. So many beautiful children or "young entrepreneurs" I should say. My stomach has not been a fan of the food though
. The team is awesome!! We blended very well as if we've known each other previously. Already walking the streets and interacting with people as if this was home. I expect even greater tomorrow!!
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